Monthly Archives: May 2010

new playmate

since we have no toddlers in the neighborhood, my zendra is very eager to have a new playmate around. my new colleague from work has a daughter same age as zendra, so i invited them over to our place and the two little girls (plus my son) had fun.

zendra got tired of playing…
pretty maxim (half italian-half pinay), playing with zendra’s bike
seems they understand each other even they say “baa..baaaa…da……daaa”
jaki and zendra playing ball
not the sand zendra…get the ball!

dolls and smiles

a bit windy, but sunny…
time to play in the park

don’t forget your dolls

smile for the cam!
this is zendra’s video clip!

zendra at 16 months

on May 9th, zendra turned 16 months! she is growing fast, continuously changing and learning a lot.
here are 16 things i want to jot down about her. one day she’ll be reading this with a smile.
1. when she wants something and i said NO, she cries. i distract her in some ways and for some minutes she stops. i dont want her to be spoiled. she howls when i go out for work. you can hear her grunts from 4th floor to ground floor.

2. she can now call hello kitty as “tiii-tiii”. her dolls as “ba-ba”. she sleeps with her dolls.
3. she eats more pizza now. before she only eats the side crusts. now she can eat two slices.
4. she can sketch (at least on the magic slate). i still dont allow her to hold real pens. she can hold now the pen better. except when she got tantrums, she’ll throw the pen, hence i put a string on it.
5. she can put perfectly the rings, from biggest to smallest. then, babbles unrecognizable words and claps at herself when i said “brava”!
6. she can now climb the slides halfway, then turn around and slide alone. makulit!
7. she is more curious now on what her brother’s doing or playing on pc. see that look? my son yells, “kiaaaaaraaa”… telling her to stop disturbing him.
8. she’s now my number 2 pc throne stealer (number one’s jaki). i allow her to watch some teletubbies or elmo videos from time to time, especially when she’s annoyed rewatching her own dvd’s. she needs variation too.
9. this is her latest toy. i bought the stroller to test if she can control things on her own. and she’s good in pushing and turning around, like what moms do in real strollers. she’s imitating me. =)
10. now this is a bit risky, but i allowed her to climb the stairs and she all did it by herself. one reason to be more attentive.
11. she has a funny laugh now when she breathes in making a gasping sound and then gets tickled when we laugh at her.
12. she’s still consistent of destroying some toys. i bought this flower wind vane, and we still havent gone out of the store, she pulled out one petal already. rest in peace dear wind vane. no petals left.
13. she’s not afraid anymore of the rubber snake toy. she now says “hiiiiiiisssssssh” referring to the snake. everytime my hub and i arrived from work, she immediately confiscate the “house keys” and she tries to use the keys, as if she’s locking the door too. see that tiny hole at our door? she’s the culprit.
14. she had developed her “mean face”. when you say “galit si kiara” (kiara is angry), she immediately glare this mean look. then laugh at you.
15. this is another wacky things she learned. when you say “where’s your nose?” she will point her nose. then put her fingers inside, and say “nuuuut”. really funny!
16. this is her demonstration of “no more”. she can nod now when you say “yes or si “(in italian), and shake her head when you say “no”.
there are still a lot she’s learning now or has learned. she can call me, mamma and my hub, papa perfectly. she loves picking up her shoes and putting them (restlessly) by herself. she can now make errands. we can ask her now to drop things inside the bin. she says “baw..baw” whenever she sees a dog. she picks up her jacket and point her stroller when she wants to go out.
i am happy she’s growing up well and making us all crazy about her.
she’s adorable. what can i say? =)

the angel plays prada

i should have entitled it “the little devil plays prada”, but of course, she’s an adorable one. i dont want her to shriek on me when she read this one. anyway, i get myself busy this morning arranging her closet and just when i had thought, she’ll mess up with my bags (i’m busy arranging them too). here are some shots for today. imagine me saying and sighing to myself…“not that bag…oh my!” of all the bags scattered on my bed, she chose to play with my ever loved bag.

“ready for shopping ‘ma!”
“no, it’s not big for me…”
“see? i can carry this bag”
“i can also reach now the door handle…”
“ma? is this scratch insured?”
“im tired of this bag…can i play with your benetton bags now, ma?”